Rozemarijn Westerink (1982, The Netherlands)
Drawings and animation film
"The body and the garden share the ability to visualise a desire for a natural inner space, which remains both physical and fluid."
Rozemarijn Westerink studied at ArTEZ in Arnhem (BA) and St. Joost in Den Bosch (MA). She won the Buning Brongers Prize in 2006 and in 2023 the Open Call Zadkine, initiated by the Dutch Embassy and the Zadkine Museum in Paris.
Westerink creates drawings with pen and ink, building them up layer by layer, much like the way she makes stop-motion animated films, bringing the drawn worlds to life. From these films, she develops spatial, ceramic figures and works in cast resin.
In her work, she focuses on the landscape - particularly the garden - and the female body. Westerink considers both the body and the garden as metaphors for an inner space that is tangible, fluid, and transient.
For the municipality of Amersfoort, she created a mural in a bicycle tunnel and designed a sound barrier above it. Recently, she made an animated film for the Zadkine Museum in Paris, as a contemporary reflection on the iconic sculpture 'The Destroyed City' by Ossip Zadkine. This film has been shown in Paris and the Chabot Museum in Rotterdam.
- From: Slow Down Motion, a publication on the occasion of a duo show - January 26 / February 23, 2025 - of Rozemarijn Westerink and Lenneke van der Goot at Art Gallery O-68 (Velp, NL)
Upcoming shows / articles / events

Slow Down Motion
26.01.2025 - 23.02.2025
Duo exhibition with Lenneke van der Goot

Installation of commissioned work
i.c.w. Marisa Rappard

Museum Night 010
Exhibition 'Rêves en Ligne' open from 08-01:00 AM

Review 'Rêves en Ligne'
Langs lijnen volg ik de realistische fantasie van Rozemarijn Westerink - NL

Art Rotterdam
01.02.2024 – 04.02.2024
Projections - booth
with Art Gallery O-68

Column on 'Gêrsfjild'
(Ver)dwalen in een beladen landschap - NL
By Janita Baron

Article on 'Gêrsfjild'
Verdwalen in de ‘tuinen’ van Westerink - NL
By Gitte Brugman
Galerie Getekend - Heerenveen

The order of the drawing
Groupshow curated by Arno Kramer
Part of the Drawing Research Network

Article on Zadkine and 'Rêves en Ligne'
De populariteit van Zadkine’s ‘Jan Gat’ - NL
By Sandra Smets

Prize: Open Call Zadkine
Press release by Atelier Néerlandais
Rozemarijn Westerink (1982, The Netherlands)
What does it look like when you walk in a dream?
In her drawings and animated films, Rozemarijn Westerink explores how a personal experience or the sensation of a specific moment can becomne universal and recognisable to the viewer.
She focuses on the landscape - particularly the garden - and the female body. Westerink considers both the body and the garden as metaphors for an inner spece that is tangible, fluid and transient. She transforms observations, memories, experiences and dreams into delicate pen drawings, sometimes so layered that the white paper nearly disappears.
Westerink's animated films are created using stop-motion, capturing each frame individually. By employing this technique, she chooses a slow and simple way to produce moving images, staying as close as possible to the act of drawing. This approach allows viewers to follow the drawing process closely. She also creates the films' soundtracks using primarily analogue equipment, like a 4-track recorder.
From het films, Westerink explores a more spatial form of art, using materials such as ceramics and resin. She incorporates elements from her animations, reconstructing them into new works. The drawn paper figures featured in her films are layered and preserved in resin, just as she builds her gardens on paper with pen and ink, layer by layer. Thes works capture a moment frozen in time, allowing viewers to observe them from different angles. The resulting pieces strive to conserve a fleeting, moving moment.
Rozemarijn Westerink studied at ArTEZ in Arnhem (BA) and St. Joost in Den Bosch (MA). She won the Buning Brongers Prize in 2006 and in 2023 the Open Call Zadkine, initiated by the Dutch Embassy and the Zadkine Museum in Paris.
Recently, she made an animated film for the Zadkine Museum in Paris, as a contemporary reflection on the iconic sculpture 'The Destroyed City' by Ossip Zadkine. This film has been shown in Paris and the Chabot Museum in Rotterdam.
- From: Slow Down Motion, a publication on the occasion of a duo show - January 26 / February 23, 2025 - of Rozemarijn Westerink and Lenneke van der Goot at Art Gallery O-68 (Velp, NL)

AGENDA - > 26.01.2025 - 23.02.2025 | Slow Down Motion | duo exhibition with Lenneke van der Goot | Art Gallery O-68, Velp
TEXT / DOWNLOADS - > PODCAST Podcast by France Fine Art on Zadkine Museum Paris - FR
- > RESUME Download PDF full curriculum vitae - EN
- > PORT-FOLIO Download PDF documentation Zadkine Museum / Chabot Museum / Art Rotterdam - EN
- > PORT-FOLIO Download PDF documentation Zadkine Museum / Chabot Museum / Art Rotterdam - FR
- > PORT-FOLIO Download PDF documentation Zadkine Museum / Chabot Museum / Art Rotterdam - NL
- > TEXT Download PDF press release Dutch embassy - NL/FR
- > TEXT Download PDF review Jurjen K. van der Hoek - NL
- > TEXT Download PDF article NRC by Sandra Smets - NL
- > TEXT Download PDF article Gitte Brugman - NL
- > TEXT Download PDF text Inge Pollet - NL/EN/FR
- > TEXT Download PDF text Diana Wind - NL/EN
- > TEXT Download PDF text Bas van den Hurk - NL/EN
EDUCATION - 2005 - 2007 | MA Visual Arts and Post-Contemporary Practice | St. Joost School of Art & Design, Den Bosch
- 2005 - 2006 | French Language and Culture | Utrecht University
- 2000 - 2004 | BA Fine Art and Design in Education | ArtEZ University of the Arts, Arnhem
RESIDENCIES & MASTERCLASS - 2019 | Plaatsmaken Arnhem | two-month-residency
- 2018 | Basement Press Diepenheim | lithography masterclass
- 2018 | K.F. Hein Fund Utrecht | three-month-residency i.c.w. Marisa Rappard
- 2016 | Plaatsmaken Arnhem | etching masterclass
- 2011 | Schloss Ringenberg, Hamminkeln (D) | six-month-residency
- 2010 | Drawing Centre Diepenheim | drawing masterclass
- 2006 | Master institute of Visual Cultures | workperiod Tokyo (JP)
PRIZES - 2023 | Open Call Zadkine | Zadkine Museum & Dutch Embassy / Atelier Néerlandais Paris (FR)
- 2006 | Buning Brongers Prize | Buning Brongers Foundation
STIPENDIA - 2021 | Project Grant for Artists | Mondriaan Fund
- 2017 | Stipendium Established Artists | Mondriaan Fund
- 2014 | Project grant | Stokroos Foundation
- 2011 | Schloss Ringenberg Stipendium (D)
- 2010 | Stipendium for Emerging Artists | Mondriaan Fund
- 2008 | Stipendium for Emerging Artists | Mondriaan Fund
COMMISSIONED / PUBLIC SPACE - 2024 | Upward | design for noise barrier i.c.w. Marisa Rappard | municipality of Amersfoort
- 2020 | Passage | mural for public space i.c.w. Marisa Rappard | municipality of Amersfoort
- 2020 | Jardin à la Française | flag design | K.F. Hein Fund Utrecht
- 2024 | Art Rotterdam Projections | van Nelle Fabriek Rotterdam - with Art Gallery O-68
- 2024 | KunstRAI | RAI Amsterdam - with Art Gallery O-68
- 2023 | Art Noord | Museum Belvédère Heerenveen - with Galerie Getekend
- 2023 | Art on Paper | Westergasfabriek Amsterdam - with Art Gallery O-68
- 2021 | KunstRAI | RAI Amsterdam - with Art Gallery O-68
- 2019 | Art on Paper | Westergasfabriek Amsterdam - with Witteveen Visual Art
- 2010 | Art Amsterdam | RAI Amsterdam - with Majke Hüsstege Gallery
- 2009 | Art Amsterdam | RAI Amsterdam - with Majke Hüsstege Gallery (solo)
SOLO / DUO SHOWS (SEL.) - 2025 | Slow Down Motion | Art Gallery O-68 | Velp (duo)
- 2023 | Rêves en ligne | Chabot Museum | Rotterdam
- 2023 | Rêves en ligne | Zadkine Museum | Paris (FR)
- 2023 | Gêrsfjild | Galerie Getekend | Heerenveen
- 2021 | If you have ever gone to the woods with me | Art Gallery O-68 | Velp (duo)
- 2019 | Cascade | Plaatsmaken | Arnhem
- 2018 | Tide | K.F. Hein Fund Utrecht | i.c.w. Marisa Rappard
- 2016 | The Fields | Galerie Bart | Amsterdam (duo)
- 2015 | In my garden | Majke Hüsstege Projects | 's-Hertogenbosch
- 2015 | We have a visitor below | Spaceburo Project Space | Antwerp (BE)
- 2014 | Run for the shadows | Ton de Boer Gallery | Amsterdam
- 2011 | Kaleidoscope for a caterpillar | Moira Project Space | Utrecht
- 2010 | Snow | Gist Gallery | Amsterdam
- 2010 | Encounters | Majke Hüsstege Gallery | 's-Hertogenbosch
- 2008 | The anonymous passports of the display figures | Plaatsmaken | Arnhem
- 2007 | To grow, grown, overgrown | Kunstenlab | Deventer (duo)
GROUP SHOWS (SEL.) - 2024 | Lines Fiction | Kunstraum Kreuzberg | Berlin (D)
- 2024 | Take It Slow | C-punt | Amsterdam
- 2024 | Getekend 2 | Galerie Getekend | Heerenveen
- 2024 | Vouch IV | Loods 6 | Amsterdam
- 2024 | Black on white | Moving Gallery | Utrecht
- 2023 | The Order of the Drawing | Loughborough University (UK) - curated by Arno Kramer
- 2021 | In Gardens | Bergkwartier Art Route | Amersfoort - curated by Sascia Vos
- 2021 | The Landscape and the Order of Imagination | Schless Art Gallery | Bergen - curated by Arno Kramer
- 2021 | Flag Project K.F. Hein Fund | Centraal Museum | Utrecht
- 2020 | 22x22 | MPV Gallery | 's-Hertogenbosch - curated by Majke Hüsstege
- 2017 | Witteveen drawing | Loods 6 | Amsterdam - curated by Oeke Witteveen
- 2016 | Traumraum | Drawing Centre Diepenheim - curated by Arno Kramer
- 2016 | Draw! | Kunstliefde | Utrecht
- 2016 | Rampant drawings | Extrapool | Nijmegen
- 2015 | The mirror and lamp show | Jagtlust Estate 's Graveland - curated by Suns and Stars Exhibitions
- 2014 | I am not doing anything | De Nederlandsche Bank | Amsterdam
- 2014 | The Daylight Show | Zonnestraal Estate Hilversum - curated by Suns and Stars Exhibitions
- 2014 | Lovejoy unit-1 | Spaceburo Project Space | Antwerpen (BE)
- 2014 | Guests of the Bolink family | Hilversum - curated by Suns and Stars Exhibitions
- 2013 | Beyond Lines | De Fabriek | Eindhoven
- 2013 | Utrecht Down Under | Utrecht
- 2012 | Guerrilla drawing | Retort Art Space | Amsterdam
- 2011 | Artist-in-residence exhibition | Schloss Ringenberg | Hamminkeln (D) - curated by Alexandra Landre
- 2011 | Preludium | Drawing Centre Diepenheim - curated by Arno Kramer
- 2009 | Drawing Now | Majke Hüsstege Gallery | 's-Hertogenbosch
- 2008 | About a Hunter, a Girl and a Wolf | Museum Arnhem
- 2006 | Buning Brongers Prize | Arti et Amicitiae | Amsterdam
PUBLICATIONS - 2025 | Slow Down Motion | offset printed publication Art Gallery O-68 - ed. 100
- 2024 | Rêves en Ligne | risoprinted publication - ed. 200
- 2023 | Life as Art - Werner Berg 1904-1981 | catalogue Chabot Museum Rotterdam
- 2023 | The popularity of Zadkine's 'Jan Gat' | Sandra Smets - article national newspaper NRC Handelsblad
- 2023 | Rozemarijn Westerink au musée Zadkine | podcast - France Fine Art (FR)
- 2023 | Rêves en Ligne | exhibition text - Cecilie Champy-Vinas | Zadkine Museum Paris (FR)
- 2023 | Maison Paris | risoprinted publication - ed. 250 | text Friso Wijnen
- 2023 | Juryrapport Open Call Zadkine | Dutch Embassy / Atelier Néerlandais Paris (FR)
- 2023 | Paysage | risoprinted publication - ed. 115
- 2021 | Zevenblad | magazine for poetry and art | Plaatsmaken Arnhem
- 2021 | Rozemarijn Westerink | Arno Kramer - article kM art magazine #119
- 2021 | The Landscape and the Order of Imagination | catalogue Schless Art Gallery | Bergen
- 2020 | Passage | short documentary by Videomachas - comm. municipality of Amersfoort
- 2020 | Endless possibilities of a garden | Marjolein Sponselee - article Tableau Fine Arts Magazine
- 2020 | Babbling images | Marjolein Sponselee - publication K.F. Hein Fund Utrecht
- 2020 | Cascade | screenprinted publication - ed. 50 | text Inge Pollet
- 2019 | Plugin reader | catalogue Schloss Ringenberg 2016-2019 (D)
- 2018 | Tide | offset printed publication - ed. 1000 | text Diana Wind
- 2018 | A constantly come and go | Marjolein Sponselee - article kM art magazine #106
- 2018 | Getij, short documentary by Art Forever
- 2018 | Plugin sample book | catalogue Schloss Ringenberg (D)
- 2017 | Frontiers of drawing-art | Arno Kramer - article kM art magazine #102
- 2017 | Tortuca #39 | magazine for literature and art | Rotterdam
- 2016 | Rampant Drawings | risoprinted exhibition catalogue | Extrapool Nijmegen
- 2016 | Drawing Front Magazine | catalogue Drawing Centre Diepenheim
- 2015 | Rozemarijn Westerink | Grete Simkuté - article H Art Magazine #142 (BE)
- 2915 | Dreaming images by Rozemarijn Westerink | article Noord Gazette (BE)
- 2014 | Cosy art at the Bolink family | Lucette ter Borg - article national newspaper NRC Handelsblad
- 2012 | Smaxx Workshop Reader | catalogue Schloss Ringenberg (D)
- 2011 | Interview | Alexandra Landré - catalogue Schloss Ringenberg (D)
- 2010 | Recht voor zijn raap. Stip en kunst nu | catalogue Mondriaan Fund Amsterdam
- 2010 | Rozemarijn Westerink | Machteld Leij - article Kunstbeeld Art Magazine
- 2009 | Art Amsterdam in accents | Susan van den Berg - article Tableau Fine Arts Magazine
- 2009 | Drawing: NOW! | Freek Lomme - article De Kantlijn Art Magazine
- 2008 | About a Hunter, a Girl and a Wolf | Cathelijne Dapiran - article MetropolisM Art Magazine
- 2008 | In case I had the time I would be drawing | Daniel Jacques - article national newspaper De Volkskrant
- 2007 | L' Oase | offset printed publication - ed. 300 | text Bas van den Hurk / Rob van Kranenburg
- 2006 | Rozemarijn Westerink | Alied Ottevanger - catalogue Buning Brongers Prize
- 2023 | Chabot Museum Rotterdam | lecture on Zadkine / Rêves en Ligne
- 2023 | De Bijenkorf Rotterdam | lecture on Zadkine / Rêves en Ligne - commissioned by Chabot Museum Rotterdam
- 2023 | Zadkine Museum & Ecole Elémentaire Frida Kahlo | educational project and publication | Paris (FR)
- 2023 | ‘t Brandtweer Rhenen | artist talk - comm. Veronique Baar / Q-kunst
- 2022 | University of Applied Sciences Utrecht | teacher drawing/ sculpture
- 2018 | Tivoli Vredenburg Utrecht | performance i.c.w. Marisa Rappard - comm. K.F. Hein Fund
- 2012 | Beekdal Lyceum Arnhem | educational project - comm. Schloss Ringenberg (DE)
- 2012 | HKU Fine Art Utrecht | guest tutor - drawing seminar
- 2012 | Artis Ateliers Amsterdam | teacher drawing/ painting
- 2008-2016 | Christelijk Gymnasium Utrecht | teacher Fine Art & Design
- 2008 | Museum Arnhem / Olympus College Arnhem | workshop drawing